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Arduino Code for Sparkfun LCD backpack (page- alpha-graphic-sparkfun-LCD-09352-code.htm)

This is just the code!

The following Arduino code to drive a Sparkfun graphics and text LCD backpack is discussed in detail on the page the link takes you to. (Sparkfun's page about the backpack is at LCD-09352, which is their partnumber for it.)

/* NGL-TestPcb270- NoviceGuard Lite
Version: 25 Feb 18
Started: 25 Feb 18

This code is discussed at...



#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

SoftwareSerial MySerial(9,10);// RX, TX

void setup() {
  //Prepare things...
  Serial.begin(9600);//Leave in
  MySerial.begin(9600);//115200 is the default... try with that, first.
  delay(400);//Give serial line a moment to stablize

/*Change Baud Rate
 * You MAY not need to do this! And if you do, you will then have to change the
 * MySerial.begin line above. Changes to baud rate are "remembered" across
 * power off/ power on events.
 * Changing the baud rate is fraught with "Catch-22" pitfalls. If you get in
 * a total muddle, sending a character at 115200 while the backpack is booting
 * is supposed to reset the device to using 115200
 * If your device seems to "die", sometime after you've changed to a non-
 * standard baud rate, just check that it hasn't reverted to 115200
 * somehow. If this happens to you often, I'd be interested to hear
 * about it... especially if you can figure out why it does it!

Sending "<control>g (0x07)" followed by an ASCII character from "1" to "6" changes the baud rate. The default baud rate is 115,200bps, but the backpack can be set to a variety of communication speeds:
Character  Baud Rate
"1" 4800
"2" 9600
"3" 19200
"4" 38400
"5" 57600
"6" 115200

  MySerial.write(7);//CHANGE BAUD RATE SETTING
  MySerial.write(0x32);//N.B.... not 2 (for 9600)

//Exercise the LCD display, try various commands...

  MySerial.write(byte(0));//Clear screen  

//Start by setting initial cursor position to 0,0
//If cursor set to 0,0, upper left of 1st character
//   printed will be at upper left of LCD

//This may be unnecessary, but does no harm, and
//   is a chance to demonstrate the "set cursor"
//   command. This "cursor" is relevant only to
//   the placement of text on the screen.
//The backpack has limited "wrapping" intelligence.

  MySerial.write(0x18);//Set cursor X value

  MySerial.write(0x19);//Set cursor Y value
delay(80);//Inserting these after set cursor and printlns
//solves some problems with missed characters.

//Put some text on display...
MySerial.println();//(This just to move text down screen...
//... could have been done with a more clever initial Y
//       coordinate.
delay(80);//Insert similar if the text you are getting
   // has the occasional problem. Check you baud rate settings
   // if you are getting nothing or "pure" gibberish.
MySerial.println("Welcome to Sparkfun");
MySerial.println("   LCD-0935");
MySerial.println("Keep watching.Things");
MySerial.println("   come and go.");

//Give viewer a moment to read text...
//  ... before....

//If you leave the following in, the "ink" and "paper"
//  of your display will be reversed each time the
//  program passes this point.
//Normally, you would issue this command once, with an
//  ad hoc program, and then not issue it again. Unless
//  you like the display's mode flipping back and forth
//  all the time!

  MySerial.write(0x12);//Reverse display mode.

  MySerial.write(byte(0));//Clear screen  

//Max on line:    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
MySerial.println("'Graph' will now");
MySerial.println("appear, then go...");

//Give viewer a moment to read text...
//  ... before....

  MySerial.write(byte(0));//Clear screen  

//============ Set/Clear Pixels".....
//Put pixels on screen...
/* (all the "random" stuff is just to generate a
* pseudo "graph". The heart of this is...

  MySerial.write(0x10);//Set or clear pixel.
  MySerial.write(10);//to draw at x coordinate=10, and...
  MySerial.write(20);//y coordinate=20
  MySerial.write(1);//to set pixel

 Make the last line
  MySerial.write(0);//to clear pixel

byte bCount=0;
byte bPrevY=55;
do {
  MySerial.write(0x10);//Set or clear pixel.
  MySerial.write(bCount);//x coordinate
  if (random(3)==0) {bPrevY=bPrevY-2;};
  MySerial.write(bPrevY+random(4)-2);//y coordinate
  MySerial.write(1);//to set pixel
 }while (bCount<80);

// give viewer a moment to see the soon-to-disappear
// pixels...


 //And now remove the pixels we put on screen
 //  a moment ago...
do {
  MySerial.write(0x10);//Set or clear pixel.
  MySerial.write(bCount);//x coordinate
  if (random(3)==0) {bPrevY=bPrevY-2;};
  MySerial.write(bPrevY+random(4)-2);//y coordinate
  MySerial.write(byte(0));//to clear pixel
 }while (bCount<80);

//=========== "Reverse Display".... see discussion at...
  MySerial.write(0x12);//reverse the display mode
  //The reuslts of this command are remembered across
  //power off/ power on events.

//=========== "Draw/ Erase Line"...
/*Rem out this block to see the failure of the supposed "erase line" 
 * block, which follows draw one.
  MySerial.write(0x0C);//Draw/Erase line... with "Draw" chosen
     //by final parameter
  MySerial.write(byte(0x00));//x coordinate of start...
     //remember "byte()" if saying zero
  MySerial.write(10);//y coordinate of start
  MySerial.write(60);//x coordinate of finish
  MySerial.write(30);//y coordinate of finish
  MySerial.write(1);//to make backpack DRAW line.
     //(Zero here to erase... but "erase" doesn't seem to work)
     //May even be creating a problem, if DrawLine is only
     //   using 4 parameters. (Cause problem by leaving an
     //   unused byte in the serial buffer.)

delay(1000);// to give viewer time to see line, before....

  MySerial.write(0x0C);//Draw/Erase line... with "Erase" chosen
     //by final parameter
  MySerial.write(byte(0x00));//x coordinate of start... remember "byte" if saying zero
  MySerial.write(10);//y coordinate of start
  MySerial.write(60);//x coordinate of finish
  MySerial.write(30);//y coordinate of finish
  MySerial.write(byte(0));//SUPPOSED to make backpack ERASE line.
      //Doesn't seem to have any effect. 0x0C DRAWS regardless of
      //   this final parameter. See notes in DrawLine above.

delay(1000);// to give viewer time to see line, before....

//========= "Draw/Erase Circle".....
/*Rem out this block to see the failure of the supposed "erase circle" 
 * block, which follows draw one.
  MySerial.write(0x03);//Draw/Erase circle... with "Draw" chosen
     //by final parameter
  MySerial.write(20);//x coordinate of center
  MySerial.write(20);//y coordinate of center
  MySerial.write(1);//to make backpack DRAW circle. (Zero here is
    //SUPPOSED to make backpack erase line. Doesn't seem to work.

delay(1000);// to give viewer time to see line, before....

//Now try to erase just-drawn circle....
  MySerial.write(0x03);//Draw/Erase circle... with "Erase" chosen
     //by final parameter
  MySerial.write(20);//x coordinate of center
  MySerial.write(20);//y coordinate of center
  MySerial.write(byte(0));//SUPPOSED to make backpack ERASE circle.
      //Doesn't seem to have any effect. 0x03 DRAWS regardless of
      //   this final parameter. See notes in DrawLine above.
delay(1000);// to give viewer time to see line erased, before....

//(This unnecessary if "erase circle" didn't work... but left in
//   in case "erase circle" eventually fixed!
//Now re-draw it. To see another form of erasing take place.
  MySerial.write(0x03);//Draw/Erase circle... with "Draw" chosen
  MySerial.write(byte(20));//x coordinate of center
  MySerial.write(20);//y coordinate of center
  MySerial.write(byte(1));//to make backpack DRAW circle. (Zero here is
    //SUPPOSED to make backpack erase line. Doesn't seem to work.)

//================= "Draw/Erase Box".............
/*Rem out the following block to see that DrawBox with zero
  * as final parameter still does a DRAW, not an erase.
  MySerial.write(0x0F);//Draw/Erase OUTLINE of a box, with "Draw" specified.
  MySerial.write(byte(0x00));//x coordinate of upper left
  MySerial.write(15);//y coordinate of upper left
  MySerial.write(40);//x coordinate of lower right
  MySerial.write(30);//y coordinate of lower right
  MySerial.write(1);//to make backpack DRAW box. (Zero here to erase. Or vice versa. May not work!)
delay(1000);// to give viewer time to see box outline, before....

  MySerial.write(0x0F);//"Draw/Erase" box outline, with "Erase" specified.
  MySerial.write(byte(0x00));//x coordinate of upper left
  MySerial.write(15);//y coordinate of upper left
  MySerial.write(40);//x coordinate of lower right
  MySerial.write(30);//y coordinate of lower right
  MySerial.write(byte(0));//SUPPOSED to make backpack ERASE box outline.
      //Doesn't seem to have any effect. 0x05 DRAWS regardless of
      //   this final parameter. See notes in DrawLine above.

delay(1000);// to give viewer time to see that, before....

//============== "Erase a BLOCK, i.e. area, not just outline.....
//    N.B.... this DIFFERENT from "Draw/Erase Box".
  MySerial.write(0x05);//Erase BLOCK... this is a DIFFERENT command from
 //the "Draw/Erase Box" command. Erase BLOCK (command code 0) erases the
 //contents of a whole rectangle, not just the four lines that outline it.
  MySerial.write(byte(0x00));//x coordinate of upper left
  MySerial.write(10);//y coordinate of upper left
  MySerial.write(40);//x coordinate of lower right
  MySerial.write(25);//y coordinate of lower right
//Note there is no final parameter with this to say "draw or erase".
//Command 0x05, Erase BLOCK is always an erase operation. "A final
//  parameter COULD have been uses to create a "Erease OR FILL block".)

//delay(1000);// to give viewer time to see that, before....
/*Following doesn't work... pity... but it was never suggested by
 * Sparkfun that it might!
  MySerial.write(0x05);//Erase BLOCK... this is a DIFFERENT command from
 //the "Draw/Erase Box" command. Erase BLOCK (command code 0) erases the
 //contents of a whole rectangle, not just the four lines that outline it.
  MySerial.write(byte(0x00));//x coordinate of upper left
  MySerial.write(10);//y coordinate of upper left
  MySerial.write(40);//x coordinate of lower right
  MySerial.write(25);//y coordinate of lower right
  MySerial.write(byte(0));//to make backpack ERASE if 0, FILL it if 1

//===== final message....

  MySerial.write(0x18);//Set cursor X value
  MySerial.write(0x19);//Set cursor Y value
//                1   5    0    5    0
//Max on line:    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
MySerial.println("That's it.Study code");
MySerial.println("for reasons for what");
MySerial.println("was shown recently.");

//========= And show off backlight control....
//Backlight should "step down" to "off", and then come back again...
//This uses the "Set Backlight Duty Cycle" command

  MySerial.write(0x02);//Set Backlight Duty Cycle. (Brightness)
  MySerial.write(80);//use 0 to 100 here, for off to brightest
  MySerial.write(0x02);//Set Backlight Duty Cycle.
  MySerial.write(0x02);//Set Backlight Duty Cycle.
  MySerial.write(0x02);//Set Backlight Duty Cycle.

  MySerial.write(0x02);//Set Backlight Duty Cycle.

}//end of setup()

void loop() {
//Empty loop()

Remember, please...

The above Arduino code to drive a Sparkfun graphics and text LCD backpack is discussed in detail on the page the link takes you to.

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