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Church Interiors, including art in them

Italy, June 2014, with Cornell Adult University


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Left and right: The church of Sant'Antonio Abate. It is on the Strada della Repubblica, east of the Piazza Garibaldi, about half way to Viale Mentana- north side of street. An early version of this page said that I had been unable to conclusively figure out what the church's name was. (I had two guesses... both wrong.) It is extraordinary that this isn't "known" on the internet; it deserves to be well known. It is just generally beautiful, and it has a highly unusual vault to the knave, with "holes" through the inner shell, showing "the heavens" above and beyond it.

So: How did I find out that it is the church of Sant'Antonio Abate? I'd told our wonderful guide Nora about these pages, and she actually read them, attentively, and took the trouble to email, and set me straight on the church's name! Just glancing at the pages was above and beyond the call of duty, I'd say. Visit: 15 June, 17:30

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Duomo (cathedral) in Parma. I wish I could tell you as much as 5% of the interesting information our wonderful guide imparted. And for now, I can't do even that much.
The grill was set in the floor near the crossing. It was about a meter across. The sounds of a service were floating up from the crypt below. Visit: 16 June, from 10:50

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On left: Cattedrale di San Pietro, Bologna. Visit: 21 June, 13:50

Concluding remarks


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