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Photos en route to better "homes"

Italy, June 2014, with Cornell Adult University

This page will always be a little scruffy...

It is a "staging area", where photos are sometimes placed temporarily, until I can decide on their eventual "final home".


We were in northern Italy. Flew into Milan, upper left. Were driven down to Parma, our first "base". Later: Bologna... so only two pack/unpack exercises to complete... good! But the red flags mark a random selection of places visited, so you can see we did get about a bit. (Venice marked merely to help you with your bearings.) Image a mildly tweaked image from the excellent software supplied with the Holux M-241 GPS logger, which I recommend highly. (About $40 on eBay.)

Want to look closely at some image? To zoom in on just bits of it? I explain how, and give some other browsing tips on the linked page.

If you came to this page by clicking on one of the links on the trip's main page, you can just close this tab to return there.

May you use photos from this site? Want to contact me?

If you find yourself wanting to use a photo on this site, please see my page about using web-published material which is copyright TK Boyd. If you want to contact me, here's my eddress, or you can use the contact form. (Email best, as the contact form is often abused, and I don't read all messages arriving that way.) Corrections to bad information on the pages very welcome... don't be shy!

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