Miscellaneous Photos, sight NOT typical of ordinary day.

To go to more suitable places in due course....

The number of photos in these "misc" pages will vary from time to time, as new ones are added (usually near the start of the page) and photos which were here previously get moved to better homes. Apologies for any inconvenience caused to viewers.
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© TK Boyd 03/07

Airport at Iquitos... sorry for the poor quality- rain on lens! By the way: Don't let your camera, or other electronics, get chilled by air conditioning. When you bring it outside, the humidity will condense on bits, and work its way inside. Two people on our trip had cameras ruined this way. You have been warned!

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© TK Boyd 03/07

People at Iquitos airport, saying hello, or saying goodbye.

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© TK Boyd 03/07

The Iquitos market, seen out of the window of our bus. Look closely... there is something "wrong" with this picture... but would you have noticed, if not told?

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© TK Boyd 03/07

At Explorama's dock in Iquitos.

Page and photos © TK Boyd 03/07. Click here to contact him.

"Misc Photo" page 1.
"Misc Photo" page 2.
"Misc Photo" page 3.
"Misc Photo" page 4.
"Misc Photo" page 5.
"Misc Photo" page 6.
"Misc Photo" page 7.
"Misc Photo" page 8.
"Misc Photo" page 9.

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