Miscellaneous Photos, pg. 3

To go to more suitable places in due course....

This is just a temporary "parking place" for photos en route to the page they should be in.

There is a Main Page for these pages, and a selection of the My Favorite Photos, and from there you can get to Secondary Pages with more photos.

The number of photos in these "misc" pages will vary from time to time, as new ones are added (usually near the start of the page) and photos which were here previously get moved to better homes. Apologies for any inconvenience caused to viewers.

Sorry if this page is empty at the moment. It will be because I've spent time moving things to the pages they should be on, so it is easier for you to peruse the site! WHICH "misc" pages are empty at a given time is largely random. Just 'cause, say, page 3 is empty, you can't assume page 4 or 5 or 6... is empty.

[Image of tamarind]

© TK Boyd 03/07

I was told this is a saddle-back tamarin, which the BBC website lists as Saguinus fuscicollis. The BBC site reports it for where I saw it (Explorama's Ceiba Tops luxury resort), and although there picture shows what looks like a different monkey, it also notes that their coloration is very variable across their range. I never noticed a guide giving us bad information on birds, about which I know a bit, so I would be fairly confident of the identification. (Michigan State University has another page supporting the ID). the BBC siteel has a wealth of interesting information, particularly in respect of life cycle and social structures.

While trying to confirm the name, I found this delightful paragraph in a very interesting page about primatesel in the Amazon. (The Tambopata Reserve is at the southern end of Peru's part of the Amazon.)

(Begin quote) Barring a couple of exceptions, photographing mammals in the rain forest is mostly a matter of luck. Your only aids for this endeavor are time and patience. Most mammals, including primates, are seen moving around quickly at 10 or more meters above eye level through the forests´ dense vegetation. A notable exception which is commonly seen are howler monkeys which move little and slowly, but which nevertheless inhabit the rain forest canopy, meaning you see them far and without clear fields of view. As with birds, the best advice for mammal photography is to concentrate on habitats with clear fields of view, such as lodge clearings, oxbow lakes, the canopy tower at Posada Amazonas or the lookouts at Tambopata Research Center. At the TRC lodge clearing for example, good photographs of tayra or agouti may be easy to obtain, thanks to the fact these species forage in the lodges’ garden. In conclusion, do not travel to Tambopata, or the Amazon in general, expecting to get good mammal images. Then, in all likelihood you will. (End quote)

[Image of tyrant (flycatcher)]

© TK Boyd 03/07

White headed marsh tyrant, Arundinicola leucocephala

[Image of  tyrant (flycatcher)(detail)]

© TK Boyd 03/07

White headed marsh tyrant, Arundinicola leucocephala. Which crop do you prefer?

Page and photos © TK Boyd 03/07. Click here to contact him.

"Misc Photo" page 1.
"Misc Photo" page 2.
(You are on the 3rd "miscellaneous" page.)

"Misc Photo" page 4.
"Misc Photo" page 5.
"Misc Photo" page 6.
"Misc Photo" page 7.
"Misc Photo" page 8.
"Misc Photo" page 9.
"Misc Photo"- sights not typical of most days of trip.

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