Sheepdog Guides from Sheepdog Software

I have perhaps too many websites! I confuse even myself, sometimes. Instead of a "proper" home page for, I am going to ask you to go to the home page for one of my other sites. One or the other will take you to my SheepdogGuides pages too.

The home page at Sheepdog Software is perhaps my best home page...

Please don't be put off by the "Software" part in the name. Today it is more a collection if "How Tos"...

And then there's my site: the one at Arunet. My oldest enduring site... (There was one at Compuserve before that...) This might be better for the techie reader. But you must be willing to go to a "http- only" site. (Not httpS). Sorry... it predates that being an issue, and I'm having trouble getting SSL set up there. I don't ask for any personal information from you, so is it a big issue?

There is a lot of (somewhat "Old Skul") Windows freeware and shareware from me there, too

There is considerable cross-posting, so either should "do".

But, as you are here, I will make mention two particular things that ARE at (There are links to them from my "bigger" home pages, too.)

.. and...

Here is how you can contact this page's author, Tom Boyd.

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