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Install or Update the Lazarus programing environment

Free. Multi-platform. Rather like Delphi. And very good!

filename: lt0Inst17feb.htm

On 6 Apr 19, I set about a fresh Lazarus install on a 64-bit Windows 10 machine. (Further down the page, you will see that the Apr 19 install wasn't my first, and learn "stuff" about updating existing installations, etc.

I had been, and plan to continue, using the 32-bit version of Lazarus, so that things I create will run on "any" system. (This choice may be based on misunderstandings. But it is How I Did Things.) (I'm sure the 64-bit Lazarus can compile for 32-bit systems, but I don't want the hassle, or to maintain two versions of things I write.

I also like to have things where **I** want them. This lets me do backups, see what's what, etc. Some software is more sympathetic with these longings that other. Lazarus is far from the worst I've dealt with.

At the very least, I want to keep the sourcecode, etc, of my projects in a subfolder of "Documents". The main Lazarus "system" software can be buried somewhere deep, if it makes everyone happy... but I would at least like to have third party add-ons where I will see them.

"From scratch" install, April 2019

To this end, I have folders in Documents called "Programming". This is where I keep my project sourcecode, and when possible, 3rd party add ons. And within that "LazTKB" and within that "L32" (for projects created under the 32-bit compiler) and (at the same level) "3rdParty". (My initials are "TKB", and they don't seem to crop up with other meanings. This is MY Lazarus stuff, in other words.

In addition to the folders where the things I've created live, I try to put the "system" software for things I install in places of my choice. To that end, in my "Documents", I have a folder called "Prgms" for the system software of various things. Within that there's a folder "3rdParty", for packages I've installed but didn't write. Within that, I created, before staring the install, a folder called LazSys.

Yes... I like my folder names short. This can be a help at backup time.

In the past there have been various false starts. You can review those stories if you wish in the text further down the page. Until further notice, this is "The Tale Of the Fresh Install, L-32, Apr 19"

Before I went near the Lazarus website, I set up the folders just mentioned. I also looked in C:\Program Files and C:\Program Files (x86)... no Lazarus there at this stage.

Now I went to the Lazarus site. (At 6 Apr 19: https://www.lazarus-ide.org/index.php?page=downloads)

I went for "Windows (32 and 64 Bits) Direct download" (A Win 32 alone not being available)

Hurrah! Very early in the install it tells you the default install folder, and asks if you would like to use a different folder! I said "Yes! Use (Documents)/Prgms/3rdParty/LazSys".

At the "Select Components" step, I felt all that was there should be ticked. If you are short of space, you could probably skip the Help files.

The usual slight delay, with a good "progress" bar keeping me calm ensued, and in not very much time, I had a working Lazarus installation! Hurrah! Probably reckless, but I didn't even re-boot the system, before trying it out.

First Session

The first time you launch the IDE, you are offered a small "configure" session... but except in special circumstances, I don't think you need to... or even should... make changes.

There are 5 tabs, which can also be accessed via the "menu" on the left.

After a glance through the tabs, which I doubt you need to bother with, I just clicked the "Start IDE" button.

... and up came "Good Old Lazarus"!

I did a quick "Hello World"

It was AFTER I'd done that that it struck me... had I created a 32-bit app, or a 64-bit app? I was working on a 64 bit machine. But, as I said somewhere, I can forgo the sexiness of a 64-bit app to have a "one size fits all" result.

I found my answer in Project/ Project Options- Compiler Options- Config and Target. I that, a "Win32 qui app" box was ticked. Whew. Good!

Final bit of good news?

Well behaved program that it is, the Lazarus IDE did NOT create "Lazarus" folders in the "usual" places. (C: root, C:Windows, C:Program Files, or C:Proigram Files (x32)). Don't you love open source software where the authors can't take advantage of a special relationship with the secret protocols buried in a proprietary OS?

This is the promised "further notice", this is The End Of "The Tale Of the Fresh Install, L-32, Apr 19"

The rest of this page...

Tales of yore/ Information on doing upgrades... etc...

What's above is probably all anyone needs to read, except maybe some of the ordinary "footer" stuff at the bottom. (How to contact me, etc.)

The rest of this page, down to the footer section, is the remains of this page before the April 2019 extension... which is above here.

I've left the rest, because it talks about various things. Not as "mainstream" as the above... but your question might not be mainstream!

Note also that the following has not had a heavy edit. Bits may be dated. But they're worth what you've paid for them!

Back on 14 Feb 17, I set about updating the Lazarus installation on my 64-bit Windows 7 machine. (The instructions here will also serve people wanting to install the IDE for the first time.)

I had been, and plan to continue, using the 32-bit version of Lazarus, so that things I create will run on "any" system. (This choice may be based on misunderstandings. But it is How I Did Things.) (I'm sure the 64-bit Lazarus can compile for 32-bit systems, but I don't want the hassle, or to maintain two versions of things I write.


I closed everything "Lazarus" that was running on the machine.

I went to the root of my C: drive, where I found two folders: "lazarus" and "lazarus32"

I made COPIES of each, naming them "lazarus-ver1-0 as at 2017feb-BU" and "lazarus32-ver1-0 as at 2017feb-BU". (Using those to revert to what I had if the update goes bad will probably be next to impossible, but having them at least gives me something I can try!

These SHOULD just be the Lazarus system files. I try to keep all of my work in a folder in "My Documents".

I left the original folders in place, in case the Lazarus installer is clever, and will pick up my old preference settings.

Went to the main Lazarus page. Clicked through to the downloads. Went for "Windows (32 and 64 Bits) Direct download", there being no option for just the 32-bit Lazarus. (If there even is such a beast!).. which started a big download of "lazarus-1.6.2-fpc-3.0.0-win32.exe"... the "win32" in that was... "music to my eyes"? What would the right expression be?

Once the file was downloaded, I moved it to where I keep such things. It was an .exe file. I ran it directly from my "store". It didn't need unzipping; was self-extracting.

Very promising start! Early in the install, it offered the option of a "parallel install". That's a dangerous business... probably NOT what you want, unless you are an expert. (In which case, I don't know what you will get from this "getting started" page, but if you spot any errors I'd be grateful to hear from you!)

It also proposed installing the software in C:lazarus32. I tend these days not to "fight" such things. Too often, it leads to tears. Note: If you are in the situation I was in, if you are installing over a previous installation, you too may be about to overwrite what you had. (That's why I took the copy!

I got a message I didn't know what to do with: It reported, after uninstalling the old instance, that C:\lazarus32 was not empty. (There was a folder called "Examples" left behind.) I elected to leave it there, and proceeded.

More Good Stuff! I was allowed to CHOOSE whether previous config files would be retained or wiped. I elected to wipe. You may not feel so inclined... it is a judgement thing.

Install completed without any worrying incidents.

The old C;\lazarus folder had very little in it, and none of the date-stamps had changed. I renamed it "lazarus-maybe scraps no longer needed Feb 17".

Fired up the new Lazarus to do a quick "Hello World"

... which led to a chance to do some config work when launched. I changed nothing... but I looked at all the things I could have changed. The defaults seemed fine. Likely a "do once" chore. With settings which can be changed later, if I don't get them right the first time.

Built, ran, my little test. No surprises.

I'd installed version 1.6.2, Date 2016-11-12, FPC version 3.0.0

The "as installed" component palette had 15 tabs...

Common Controls
Data Controls
Data Access
Pascal Script

Whew!... a little daunting. Maybe I should explore these a bit before looking for additional component libraries! (Joke. Who was ever happy with what they have?)

All of this arose, for me, because I wanted, I thought, to use Synapse for some TCP/IP projects. But always use native, if you can... so the "IPro" tab caught my eye. Limited searching on the 'net turned up: "Q: Can these be used with a specified URL to display the corresponding page in a form? If so, how? A: Afaik no. You need some networking components to download the files first."

So... onward. "It worked". What about my previous Lazarus projects?

Picked one or two at random, tried loading, compiling.

Worked fine! Hurrah! (Didn't re-create the C:\lazarus folder, by the way, or complain because it had "disappeared".)

I have another set of "install" notes, which I wrote a long time ago. I doubt they have anything of use in them now, but if you are really struggling to get an answer to something, there might be clues in those old notes.

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... and some links to specific pages within them you might want....
You can't "play" all day... learn to use the Libre Office/ Open Office database. Free. Multi-platform.
The Arduino- LOTS of fun, for not much money. And beginner (intelligent beginner) friendly. And good pursuit for kids. Combine programming and electronics!
Designing printed circuit boards the KiCad way. Free. Multi-platform. Long established. PCB-fab houses take native KiCad files.
And lastly... Making maps... how we did it before GPS Indulge me? This discusses a worthwhile, fun (if presented intelligently) activity for kids, which can be undertaken on many levels... a simple 20 minutes, or weeks of engaging activity. (Also known to divert susceptible adults.)

Ad from page's editor: Yes.. I do enjoy compiling these things for you... hope they are helpful. However.. this doesn't pay my bills!!! If you find this stuff useful, please at least help me with Facebook links, etc (buttons at top of page). If you run an MS-DOS or Windows PC, please visit my freeware and shareware page, try something? Links on your page to this page would also be appreciated, of course!
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   Here is the way to contact the author of these Lazarus/Delphi tutorials, Tom Boyd.

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