Pacaya-Samiria National Reserve, Peru

With heartfelt thanks to Maps.Google.Com, and the nice people who made my Garmin GPS receiver, I offer you the following maps.

Wilth a little work, you can see where on the Google aerial photo...
[Image of Pacaya-Samiria reserve]

© TK Boyd 03/07

... our day in the open boats took us, to see hoatzin, fer de lance, and much, much, more... not least our boatmen's skills at getting through difficult channels, and, more importantly, back to where we started. And they didn't use GPSes!

[Image of sketch of day trip]

© TK Boyd 03/07

It is well worth going to, and "searching" for 5.262s 74.357w... this will put a pointer on where the Aramista moored, and where we started the day.

Next, "search" for 5.346s 74.503w. That will give you a pointer to where the ranger's station was. (I've "tweaked" the GPS readings a little... don't be confused by the fact that they don't exactly match the notes on the sketch map.)

If you go and fetch a fresh Google image, you will get better resolution than the copy here.

Take some time to marvel at the incredible story of changing river channels that you can see in the aerial photo. And, those of you who took the trip, look at what a TINY part of the Amazon basis our 6 hour day explored... remember that the pictures here have zoomed in on zoom ins....

Page and photos © TK Boyd 03/07. Click here to contact him.

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